My Story

My story...

I first realized I was struggling with anxiety and depression during graduate school. Of course, the curriculum expectations were intense but school wasn’t the problem for me. My real problem was that I couldn’t stop thinking negative thoughts about the past and the future. In fact, I was plagued by overwhelming fears, doubts and regrets almost every day. And every time I felt overwhelmed with anxiety my heart beat fast and this in turn made me worry about my mental and physical health as well.
I was already suffering from mental and emotional exhaustion, but lately I was suffering from physical exhaustion as well because I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t get the deep rest and rejuvenation my mind and body so needed.

This debilitating condition became my life for over 7 years.

During these years I tried everything to help myself, from medications, to psychologists and therapists and so much more with no real improvements or lasting results.
No one and nothing was able to help me back then.

I can’t even begin to describe how frustrated, stuck, and how hopelessly depressed and miserable I felt.

This anxiety and depression affected every area of my life. It affected my health in many ways. I was constantly tired because I couldn’t sleep. I had headaches almost daily. My health affected my work so much that I had to cut back my hours. It affected my marriage because I felt like I couldn’t be the wife and mom I’d hoped to be. It even affected my friendships because most of the time I didn’t feel like talking to anyone, let alone getting together with them.

I knew I needed to do something about this condition but I had no idea what to do so I continued to live my life as best as I could. There were certainly times in my life where I actually did feel happy and my anxiety even calmed down but these times were short-lived unfortunately. I remember feeling so happy when my first daughter was born. I’d always wanted to be a mother. I also felt quite happy when I got a great job I really liked. But unfortunately that job didn’t last . Up until that point, I had convinced myself that I could manage this anxiety myself and so I stopped looking for ways to cure it for a while, always hoping that over time it would just disappear on its own.

However, after I became pregnant with my second child and lost the job I loved, my anxiety came back full force. And in those moments, I truly regretted that I had stopped looking for ways to heal myself. I realized then that unless I confronted my anxiety and depression head on and found a real solution for it, it would keep coming back.
And yet I still had no one and nowhere to turn to help me heal this exhausting, relentless condition.

Months went by without any solutions… but then one day, just when I had begun to lose all hope that I would ever live a normal life again, I was introduced to a life coach who eventually changed my life in ways I never imagined possible.
She taught me how to value my needs and honor my heart and even listen to the still small voice within me, my intuition. She introduced me to the world of spirituality and life – coaching and completely changed how I viewed myself and the world around me. Life Coaching helped me rediscover myself and helped me find answers to many questions and problems I’d been suffering with for years.

And so I continued to invest in more coaching programs over time and through every coaching program I studied, my awareness continued to expand and my consciousness continued to shift and transform dramatically. I began to notice that my anxiety and depression was dissolving and even fading away in some areas.
For so long I didn’t think it was possible for me to feel happy and at peace again… but now I could see that anything is possible when you begin to see and think differently.

The biggest revelation for me through coaching was that I wasn’t really suffering from anxiety and depression all those years.
I was suffering from unhappiness and unfulfillment. I realized that I had spent years of my life pleasing others, not being true to myself, suppressing my emotions, not speaking my truth enough, and not honoring my own needs and desires.
I was basically in a sense, afraid to be myself, afraid to live for myself.
For so long, I had accustomed myself to living for others that I ended up losing my own sense of self and burying who I genuinely was and what I truly longed for.

I realized then that my suppressed feelings needed to be addressed and all my dormant dreams of a happy, fulfilling life really mattered and needed to be nurtured rather than constantly sabotaged.

And so when I began paying attention to everything that mattered to me personally, my whole perspective on life changed yet again, and I realized then that I deserved to live an amazing, fulfilling life. I deserved the peace, joy and prosperity that were possible for me.
What an amazing revelation that was for me to realize after years of anxiety and depression that I could actually live a life I loved!!!

And so with this new found inspiration, I started to ask deeper meaningful questions like…. “What would I really love to do, have, and be without having to consider or rely on anyone else’s opinions or beliefs? “
These were such life-changing questions to me because I grew up being heavily influenced by highly educated parents who I assumed were wiser than me and had all the answers. I spent too many years believing their well-intentioned advice would make me happy but it never did.
I was socially conditioned to dismiss my deeply sensitive and intuitive nature and let myself be governed only by reason and intellect. Little did I know back then how deeply unhappy I would become ignoring the emotional intelligence within my own heart.

When I finally realized how important it was for me to remain true and in tune with my hearts needs and desires… I slowly started doing more of what I truly wanted and loved. And I continued to ask the right questions every step of the way back to my true authentic self. And the more meaningful and insightful my questions became, the more inspired and empowered I felt by every realization and answer revealed to me.

Fast forward a year later, my life had suddenly taken on new meaning and genuine heart-centered peace, happiness and purpose.
For the first time in years, I suddenly felt so alive, filled with gratitude, and ever increasing joy and enthusiasm.

I realized that I was actually overcoming my anxiety and depression through life coaching and this was such a huge relief and a life-changing breakthrough for me.

And so, I really wanted to share my story today and let you/others know that you/others don’t have to struggle and suffer in silence… you/they too can change your life and get the help you/they need to live a happy, fulfilling, prosperous life.
If I can do it then you can do it as well.

You see the paradox here about me is that I’m actually a pharmacist by trade, for so long I lived in the world of conventional therapy and endless prescriptions that did nothing but mask people’s symptoms. I got into pharmacology because I wanted to help people heal. But I realized after coaching, that this kind of healing wasn’t enough… for it certainly did nothing to heal the years of anxiety and depression I suffered.
And so with this clarity, I suddenly felt like I no longer wanted to help people suppress their pain. I wanted to instead help them uncover and uproot the real reasons for their unhappiness and discontent. That was my eureka moment when I realized that I wanted more than anything to become a life coach myself so that I could help others free themselves from their own pain, and discover their own personal joy and success so they too could live a life of true happiness, freedom and fulfillment.

And so when I decided that I wanted to become a life coach, that’s when I then got introduced to Mary Morrisey and the Brave thinking Institute.
The moment I heard Mary speak, I knew immediately that I wanted to learn more from her. And so I enrolled in her one year Brave Thinking Masters program and gained so much insight, empowerment and courage from this wonderful program. And then I got even more excited when the opportunity arose for me to enroll in Mary’s life coaching certification program.

God, I wanted so badly to enroll in this certification program but another part of me kept arguing that it wasn’t the right time, that it was too inconvenient to enroll right now, that I wasn’t ready.... and so on and so on… I had endless doubts and debates with myself for days on end.

You see at that time, I was a part-time pharmacist as mentioned, and a busy mom with 3 little kids to raise. I felt like I barely had enough time to sleep and take care of the family, much less nurture any goals and dreams. With all the endless family responsibilities, how would I ever find the time and energy to train as a life coach?

I should just wait until my kids are little bit older, I thought… AND it would be crazy for me to replace my pharmacy job since I worked so long and hard for that degree… plus it was a healthy, steady paycheck. It would be much wiser and better for me to just go back to being a full-time pharmacist when the opportunity arose.

THIS was the voice of fear and doubt that kept sabotaging my dreams over and over and over again, always postponing the lifestyle and the career I truly wanted.

Day after day, week after week, the same countless fears and doubts would constantly sabotage my vision of a wonderful, fulfilling life... until one day, while tidying up our house, I bent over to pick my son’s socks off the floor for what seemed like the millionth time that week; I paused for a moment to calm my irritation, and suddenly I realized in that moment how utterly frustrated and tired I was of doing the same boring, meaningless things over and over again, day in and day out.
Here I was yet again, always doing and giving to others yet never doing anything meaningful or fulfilling for myself.

In that precise moment when I looked at my son’s socks… I said to myself,” What are you waiting for, Jelena?” What are you really waiting for??

That was the moment that changed my life. In that instant, I made the decision that I was going to do whatever it took to go after and get what I really wanted in life! And let me tell you, I was terrified to make that quantum leap, my stomach clenching with fresh anxiety and angst. But in the same breath, I also knew that it was okay for me to feel afraid. In fact, I had already learned through the Brave Thinking Masters program that it was completely normal for our paradigms of fear and doubt to rise up even stronger when we decide to go for our dreams. I also learned that it didn’t matter that I had no idea how to make my dream happen or even if it would work out or fail? I knew now that it wasn’t my job to figure out the how. That was the universe’s job. All I had to do was try… do my best to live out the life I truly wanted, no matter how scared or uncertain I’d feel at times.

Sometimes we just have to leap towards our dreams and have faith that we will land where we’re meant to be. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that great opportunities don’t show up when it's convenient or comfortable. They show up most often when we feel miserable and stuck and need to shift out of our comfort zone.

And so when opportunity knocked on my door that day, I made the decision then and there to change my life, to enroll into the Life Mastery Coaching Certification.
I promised myself that from that moment forward, I would only be led by my heart and my dreams, trusting that my great passion and courage would always conquer every fear and trump every doubt that ever arose to sabotage the growth and happiness I strived for.

Today, I'm so thrilled to be a Transformation Coach. I wake up every day, so happy and grateful to be living my dream, fulfilling my own heart’s purpose. I feel incredibly blessed doing what I love AND helping others transform their lives and achieve extraordinary results as well. And it feels so deeply gratifying to make my own work schedule so I can always be there for my own precious family as well. Years ago, I would never have believed that I could live this kind of dream life but thanks to life coaching and the Dreambuilder system I now know that any dream is possible when you truly desire it and go after it.

The DreamBuilder System in the Life Mastery Certification Program made me realize that helping people crystallize and build their dreams is exactly what I wanted to do. This beautiful, reliable, repeatable system turned my dreams into reality just as it has done so for thousands of other people in the world. The Dreambuilder system is based on over 40 years of research, where Mary studied some of the most successful people in the world, in order to design a revolutionary system with 10 life-changing principles that could turn anyone’s desires and dreams into a living landscape of their lives.

I believe that the Dreambuilder system can help anyone turn any goal or dream they have into living reality. I know because Dreambuilder helped me. It completely transformed my life. So, if you too have been struggling in some way, and you don’t know what to do. If you also can’t stop dreaming about living a happier, freer, more fulfilling, and prosperous life, then I’d love for you to book a strategy session with me so I can …

  1. help you define and crystallize what you truly need and desire for yourself
  2. help you gain the clarity and courage you need to begin removing the fears and blocks that have been holding you back from living the life you truly want.
  3. show you a highly successful step by step system that will both inspire and empower you to dream big and take action every day to fulfill your every goal.
You don’t have to wait weeks or months or even years like I did to begin healing and thriving and living a life you truly love… you can decide today, right now to completely change your life.

If you’d love to learn more about how to transform your life and make your extraordinary dreams a living reality...

Connect with me today !!!