About Me

A Message From Mary Morrissey

Jelena Ivetic

Certified Life Mastery Consultant

As a certified Life Mastery Consultant with the Brave Thinking Institute; the Premiere Training Center for Transformational Coaching, I help people design and manifest a marvelous/meaningful life/ vibrant, fulfilling life that’s in direct, spiritual harmony with their Soul’s Vision and Purpose.

I specialize in helping people heal and overcome anxiety and depression. I teach my clients how to nurture their inner needs and cultivate strong, healthy boundaries so they can re-connect with their true authentic self/nature and begin cultivating greater joy and connection in their relationships and more soul aligned purpose and passion in their professions.

I’ve been studying and implementing transformational success principles for over 5 years, and as a dedicated sought-after Mindset Coach, and Life Mastery Consultant, my life-changing programs have inspired countless healing breakthroughs and lasting transformations in clients all over the world. My goal as a Transformation Coach has always been to provide every one of my clients with the genuine (mental, emotional and spiritual) support and tools they need to heal and thrive so they can begin living the life of happiness, peace, and fulfillment they long for/they dream of.

My Soul’s Mission is to help people realize their inestimable worth and power so they can dynamically elevate their life and ignite the extraordinary human potential and creative genius within their being. I want every beautiful soul I encounter to realize how much their life and their dreams matter. And most of all I want to provide them with real solutions and lasting results, so they don’t have to struggle or suffer anymore.

After overcoming years of my own struggles with anxiety and depression, I came to realize that trauma, victim consciousness, self-sabotage and soul betrayal are the most common reasons we human beings struggle and suffer. Once I began my healing journey, it didn’t take me long to discover that the only way we can ever claim back our peace, happiness and power is to heal our wounded perception, elevate our awareness, increase our knowledge and lastly… allow ourselves to be guided and fueled by the wisdom of every soul inspired desire and dream within our heart.

When we connect with our soul and we invite the right mentors in our lives and we embrace the precise wisdom, healing and knowledge we need… we will then feel incredibly nurtured, valued and supported.

From this sacred healing space, we will then feel guided and empowered to heal every wound and follow every inspiration that initiates greater joy, purpose and fulfillment in our lives.

From this elevated mindset, we’ll then feel bolder and more confident then ever before to bravely pursue every meaningful goal and every extraordinary dream that lights our soul on fire.

This is the hero’s journey we all must travel to actualize our dreams. This was my journey and I would love for it to be yours. Your Soul’s Heroic Journey is worth every step of the way when you’re surrounded with the tools, knowledge and support you need.

So, if you’re struggling in some way… if you’d love to initiate true soul inspired healing and growth on your journey… if you dream of experiencing genuine healing, peace and fulfillment, and a richer, freer, more rewarding life… then book a call with me so I can show you how to take back your power and create an extraordinary life you’ll absolutely love!

Learn more about how to start changing your life TODAY!

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